Arabic/Problem Informing

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If you have a problem with any page in this book, there is something you can do. Here are some options.

Inform the editors

[edit | edit source]

The easiest thing you can do is:

    1. Click the "discussion" tab of that page
    2. Click the "edit this page" tab
    3. explain the problem, in the bottom of the large textbox

If you want to make a request start with "==User Request==" without the quotation marks. If you have a problem start with "==User: Problem==" without the quotation marks

    1. press the "Save page" button.

Editing it yourself

[edit | edit source]

If you know the problem, and know how to fix it. Click the "edit this page" tab, make changes, write what you did in the "Summary:" text box. Then click the "Save page" button.