Chatbots For Social Change/Collective Action

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Collective action lies at the heart of societal transformation. It represents the concerted effort of individuals and groups to achieve shared objectives. In the context of the digital era, chatbots, powered by advanced artificial intelligence, have emerged as key players in facilitating collective action. They have the potential to act as catalysts in global conversations, influencing social change.

Theoretical Foundations

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Collective intelligence is crucial for the success of collective action. The research by Riedl et al. (2021) underscores the importance of equitable participation within groups. In a world increasingly mediated by chatbots, these digital interlocutors can democratize conversations, ensuring diverse voices are heard and valued. Moreover, chatbots can augment the collective decision-making process, contributing to the group's overall intelligence and performance.

Persuasion-oriented methods of collective action, such as those used in political campaigns or advocacy efforts, often risk exacerbating social divides. Here, chatbots can offer a solution by providing platforms for rational and balanced discourse, potentially linking to democratically compiled sources like Wikipedia to counteract misinformation.

Tarrow’s contentious politics provide a framework for understanding the dynamics of collective action in confrontational settings. Chatbots, designed with the principles of contentious politics in mind, could facilitate the organization and mobilization of collective actors, thus becoming tools for orchestrating social movements and driving political participation.

Case Studies and Applications

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Taiwan's Digital Democracy initiatives, such as vTaiwan and, exemplify the successful application of digital platforms in enhancing transparency and fostering collective action. These platforms could be further evolved by integrating chatbots, which would serve as mediators and aggregators of public opinion, enhancing the deliberative process.

Participatory Budgeting represents a direct application of collective action in governance. Chatbots could revolutionize this process by engaging with citizens, gathering their preferences, and helping them understand the implications of budgetary decisions, thus reinforcing the Lefebvre’s “right to the city” principle.

The polarization in the United States demonstrates the potential pitfalls of collective action when it leads to societal division. Chatbots could be programmed to recognize signs of polarization, intervening to introduce alternative perspectives and mediate discussions, thereby promoting social cohesion.

Methods and Strategies in Collective Action

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The modular performances and repertoires of collective action described by Tarrow can be seen as a precursor to the adaptability required of chatbots in social change scenarios. These digital entities must be capable of operating in varied contexts, advocating for diverse causes, and engaging with different target audiences.

Challenges in Collective Action

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Olson's Logic of Collective Action identifies the free-rider problem as a significant challenge in collective endeavors. Chatbots could mitigate this issue by providing personalized incentives for participation and by tracking and rewarding contributions to collective goals.

Impact and Implications

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The role of chatbots in collective action extends beyond mere facilitation; they embody the potential for substantial social impact. By leveraging large language models and artificial intelligence, chatbots could unify disparate knowledge bases, serve as platforms for marginalized voices, and contribute to the formation of a more informed and engaged citizenry.


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Chatbots are poised to become indispensable in the landscape of collective action. This chapter has delved into the theoretical underpinnings of collective action, explored its application in the digital age, and highlighted the transformative potential of chatbots in promoting social change. As architects of this new digital frontier, we must ensure that the development of chatbots is guided by ethical considerations, inclusivity, and a commitment to fostering constructive dialogue.