How to Make a Comic/Plot

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In comics, one is not limited to the kinds of stories they can tell. Whether one wishes to create a one page story about their pet dog Buster, or create a multi-volume space saga, knowing the basics of a narrative structure can help you tell your stories in a more organized, interesting way. The narrative structure is typically broken down into five parts, which are:

  • Exposition
  • Rising Action
  • Climax
  • Falling Action
  • Resolution


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Exposition is where main characters are introduced, setting is defined and the goals and desires of the characters are introduced.

Rising Action

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After the main characters motivations are defined in some way, and they usually begin to work towards them at this point. Smaller problems and situations will happen here. Usually this means that another character or force is stopping the protagonist from reaching his goal.


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It is here where the main character is ready to achieve his actual goal, or is ready to fight the antagonist. In a story, this is the most dramatic part,

Falling Action

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This is when it is all over and the main character has won and the after math begins


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See also

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