IB Psychology/Options/Developmental psychology/Identity Development

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Identity Development

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Identity development (ID) is concerned with how people classify or establish themselves, and how this changes throughout the course of development.

There are five identity developments:

  • ID1: Discuss the formation and development of gender roles.
  • ID2: Explain cultural variations in gender roles.
  • ID3: Describe adolescence.
  • ID4: Discuss the relationship between physical change and development of identity during adolescence.
  • ID5: Examine psychological research into adolescence.

Note that any example responses are not necessarily worth full marks, but exist simply to provide an idea of how an example looks.

Discuss the formation and development of gender roles.

Explain cultural variations in gender roles.

Describe adolescence.

Discuss the relationship between physical change and development of identity during adolescence.

Examine psychological research into adolescence.