Memorizing the Hiragana/Print version

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Memorizing the Hiragana

The current, editable version of this book is available in Wikibooks, the open-content textbooks collection, at

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The Vowels

is an Astronaut.

い is the two ii's at the end of Hawaii.

う is a U that got kicked over and had his head ripped off.

え is an End of summer vacation.

お is a hole in one.

Memorizing the Hiragana
The Vowels The K line

The K line

か is a Kat (cat) playing with a toy.

き is a Ki (key).

く is the wooden Kuku bird inside a Cuckoo clock.

け is a Kestrel, (a type of bird).

こ is two Koi fish swimming.

Memorizing the Hiragana
The Vowels The K line The S line

The S line

さ is a Samurai.

Shi (she) has long hair.

Sunlight is what seeds need to grow.

せ is two friends watching the Setting sun.

そ looks like the stiches of a Soing (sewing) machine.

Memorizing the Hiragana
The K line The S line The T line

The T line

た looks like Ta if you add a couple lines.

ち is a Chicken.

つ is a Tsunami wave.

て is a broken Tennis racket.

と is the big Toe.

Memorizing the Hiragana
The S line The T line The N line

The N line

な is a Nativity scene.

に is a human Ni (knee).

ぬ is a Nudle (noodle) and two chopsticks.

ね is a Nectarine fallen from its tree.

の is the sign for No.

ん already looks like an N.

Memorizing the Hiragana
The T line The N line The H line

The H line

は is a bird Walking on a branch. Can also sound like Ha.

ひ is a man shouting Hi!

ふ is mount Fuji.

へ shows us where Heaven is.

ほ is a game of Hockey.

Memorizing the Hiragana
The N line The H line The M line

The M line

ま is a Mailbox.

Mi (me)? I'm 21.

む is a smiley face and a Musical note.

め is a Medal.

も You'll catch More fish with two worms on the hook.

Memorizing the Hiragana
The H line The M line The Y line

The Y line

や is a Yak.

ゆ is a Yu-turn (U-turn) on a road.

よ is a Yo-yo.

Memorizing the Hiragana
The M line The Y line The R line

The R line

ら is a Rabbit.

り is a River.

る is a Ruby earring.

れ is a very similar to Ne, but has a tiny hook on the end. This hook is so small that only a Reysin (raisin) can fit onto it.

ろ looks like 3, which is the number of times you say Row in the song "Row, row, row your boat".

Memorizing the Hiragana
The Y line The R line The W line

The W line

わ is the grave of someone who died in War.

を is a man who's Worried that the water will be too cold so he only sticks one toe in.

Memorizing the Hiragana
The R line The W line Dakuten


Dakuten ( ゙ ) and Handakuten ( ゚ ) are marks placed after certain hiragana that modify the way the consonant is pronounced. These marks indicate that the consonant of the syllable should be voiced.

normal with dakuten ( ゙ ) with handakuten ( ゚ )
か = ka が = ga
さ = sa ざ = za
た = ta だ = da
は = ha ば = ba ぱ = pa
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"Shi" (し) turns into "Ji" (じ)
"Chi" (ち) also turns into "Ji" (ぢ)
"Tsu" (つ) turns into "Zu" (づ)

Iteration marks

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Iteration marks ( ゝ) indicate that a sound is to be repeated. Iteration marks can also be combined with dakuten.

normal with iteration ( ゝ ) with dakuten iteration ( ゞ )
す = su すゝ = susu すゞ = suzu


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Sokuon (っ) is a symbol consisting of a small Tsu (compare with normal Tsu: つ). It is used to insert a slight pause.

For example: うた = song うった = hard

The Sokuon gives a pause to make a meaningful sound.


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Chōonpu (ー) is a symbol used to indicate a long vowel sound. Long vowels can also be written by using the corresponding vowel hiragana.

normal with chōonpu ( ー ) is the same as
ぷ = pu ぷー = puu ぷう = puu

Memorizing the Hiragana
The W line Dakuten Easy Quiz

Easy Quiz


  1. All questions are to be answered using the English equivalent of the hiragana (e.g. ha, ru, shi etc.)
  2. Please answer using only lowercase letters

1 Identify the following vowel hiragana:

  1. え :

  2. お :

  3. い :

  4. あ :

  5. う :

  6. 2 Identify the following K_ hiragana:

    1. こ :

    2. け :

    3. き :

    4. か :

    5. く :

    6. 3 Identify the following S_ hiragana:

      1. さ :

      2. し :

      3. す :

      4. そ :

      5. せ :

      6. 4 Identify the following T_ hiragana:

        1. ち :

        2. て :

        3. た :

        4. つ :

        5. と :

        6. 5 Identify the following N_ hiragana:

          1. の :

          2. ね :

          3. ん :

          4. な :

          5. に :

          6. ぬ :

          7. 6 Identify the following H_ hiragana:

            1. ほ :

            2. へ :

            3. ふ :

            4. ひ :

            5. は :

            6. 7 Identify the following M_ hiragana:

              1. め :

              2. む :

              3. ま :

              4. も :

              5. み :

              6. 8 Identify the following Y_ hiragana:

                1. ゆ :

                2. や :

                3. よ :

                4. 9 Identify the following R_ hiragana:

                  1. ら :

                  2. り :

                  3. る :

                  4. れ :

                  5. ろ :

                  6. 10 Identify the following W_ hiragana:

                    1. を :

                    2. わ :

                    3. Click submit to see your results.

                      Memorizing the Hiragana
                      Dakuten Easy Quiz Hard Quiz

                      Hard Quiz


                      1. All questions are to be answered using the English equivalent of the hiragana (e.g. shi, zu, ji etc.)
                      2. Please answer using only lowercase letters

                      1 Identify the following hiragana (10/71):

                      1. ぐ :

                      2. と :

                      3. て :

                      4. ろ :

                      5. え :

                      6. せ :

                      7. ぎ :

                      8. そ :

                      9. ご :

                      10. に :

                      11. 2 Identify the following hiragana (20/71):

                        1. ほ :

                        2. ぞ :

                        3. ず :

                        4. む :

                        5. こ :

                        6. ざ :

                        7. じ :

                        8. げ :

                        9. ん :

                        10. ぼ :

                        11. 3 Identify the following hiragana (30/71):

                          1. す :

                          2. ら :

                          3. く :

                          4. ぷ :

                          5. ぢ :

                          6. た :

                          7. し :

                          8. ぱ :

                          9. へ :

                          10. お :

                          11. 4 Identify the following hiragana (40/71):

                            1. あ :

                            2. め :

                            3. ど :

                            4. で :

                            5. ぺ :

                            6. ぽ :

                            7. づ :

                            8. か :

                            9. い :

                            10. も :

                            11. 5 Identify the following hiragana (50/71):

                              1. わ :

                              2. を :

                              3. う :

                              4. の :

                              5. ひ :

                              6. べ :

                              7. ゆ :

                              8. ぬ :

                              9. ぶ :

                              10. ね :

                              11. 6 Identify the following hiragana (60/71):

                                1. み :

                                2. り :

                                3. つ :

                                4. や :

                                5. ば :

                                6. ち :

                                7. れ :

                                8. き :

                                9. な :

                                10. は :

                                11. 7 Identify the following hiragana (71/71):

                                  1. ふ :

                                  2. け :

                                  3. び :

                                  4. さ :

                                  5. よ :

                                  6. ぜ :

                                  7. る :

                                  8. が :

                                  9. ぴ :

                                  10. だ :

                                  11. ま :

                                  12. 8 Identify the mark

                                    Chōonpu (makes vowel longer)
                                    Handakuten (turns h sound into p sound)
                                    Dakuten (makes consonant voiced)
                                    Iteration (repeats last hiragana sound)
                                    Dakuten Iteration (repeats last hiragana sound but with voiced consonant)
                                    Sokuon (slight pause)
                                    Click submit to see your results.

                                    Memorizing the Hiragana
                                    Easy Quiz Hard Quiz