Minecraft/How To Build a Nether Portal

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Why build a Nether portal

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The Nether is a dangerous place filed with fire and lava, so why would you go there? For a start, it would allow you to brew potions, and it is the only place to get netherite.

You can also find blazes, which drop blaze rods, an item needed to get to The End.

How to build the Nether portal

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Collecting the resources

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You need a flint and steel and at least 10 obsidian. You can also create the portal frame by turning lave into obsidian by letting water flow next to a lava source block.

Choosing a location

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You may want to build the portal in an enclosed space some place between y=55 and y=40 to get the bast results. Any higher will make it harder to get soul sand and magma blocks, but any lower will mean you spawn surrounded by lava on all sides.

Building the portal

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To build the portal, you need to make a rectangle of obsidian that is standing upright. The inside area must be 3 blocks high and 2 blocks wide, and have nothing in it. The corners can be ignored.

Next, use the flint-and-steel on the inside of the portal. If done correctly, the air inside will turn into a purple plane. Stand inside it for a few seconds, and the scren will warp, then you will appear in the Nether.

Be very careful when leaving the portal for the first time. The portal may have spawned over (or next to) lava or fire, or you could walk accidentally off a cliff.

Consider housing the portal in a smal room to avoid risks like this. You can add lots of things here, but keep beds away as they will explode in the Nether.

Preparations before you enter

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Before you enter your newly-created Nether portal, make sure you have the following:

  1. Four stacks ofcobblestone to make bridges.
  2. Ender pearls to teleport over gaps.
  3. Gold armour - equip a full set to stop the piglins fighting you. Trust me, those piglins are everywhere.
  4. Golden apples.
  5. A hopper to empty chests without angering the piglins.
  6. A bow and a stack of arrows.
  7. A diamond sword and pickaxe.
  8. Flint and steel, in case the portal is destroyed.
  9. Enchanted gear! While not essential, it will make life much esier. Put unbreaking on gold armour, as well as fire protection and feather falling.