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The GNURoot Debian app is an environment allowing any Oberon capable of working as a subsystem of a Linux system, to work in Android.

Oberon V5 RISC emulator on GNURoot Debian on Android on an Alcatel 9015B tablet with keyboard and mouse connected by Bluetooth.

File Transfer

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For an external medium (SD card or USB), a contemporary Android supports only FAT. Neither an Oberon filesystem nor a Linux ext filesystem is directly accessible from Android. This is a serious constraint (showstopper) for practical use of an Oberon system on Android. The system is useful for programming exercises. Aside from a removable medium, files can be transferred by FTP and SCP.

Keyboard and mouse

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Connect a keyboard and mouse using Bluetooth or USB On-The-Go. Verify that both work.

Install the GNURoot Debian app

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Open the Google Play Store and install Xserver XSDL and GNURoot Debian. Several tutorials are found with a search for "android gnuroot install".

Update and install Debian packages

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Can require more than 60 minutes. To avoid tedium, attend to other work.

Start GNURoot Debian and execute these in the terminal. The full lxde isn't necessary for Oberon.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install nano lxde-core build-essential libsdl2-dev git

Add a user account

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$ sudo adduser <me>

Install and run the Oberon RISC emulator

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$ su <me>

Create a local repository for the emulator

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If you want oberon-risc-emu to be in your home directory then,

cd ~

If you want another location then,

mkdir myPreferredDirectory
cd myPreferredDirectory

Then make the local repository.

git clone https://github.com/pdewacht/oberon-risc-emu.git

Your local copy of the repository is now in your home directory or myPreferredDirectory, in a subdirectory named oberon-risc-emu.

Compile the emulator

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cd oberon-risc-emu

Make an alias for starting Oberon

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The screen dimensions of a particular device can be found with a search. Google "Alcatel POP7 specs" for example. Then edit .bashrc to create an appropriate alias,

nano /.bashrc

This is an example. Adjust to requirements.

alias OberonV5="cd /oberon-risc-emu ; \
  ./risc --size 1024x600 ./DiskImage/Oberon-2016-08-02.dsk"


alias OberonV5="cd myPreferredDirectory/oberon-risc-emu ; \
  ./risc --size 1024x600 ./DiskImage/Oberon-2016-08-02.dsk"

Save with <ctrl>+o. Exit nano with <ctrl>+x.

Start the emulator

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Start GNURoot Debian. Tap the Xterm icon, 4th from the right in the menu bar. Touch in the Xterm to focus it. Then,

source .bashrc