PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation/Ordered List in HTML

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PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation
PlanoTseScript Springboards Ordered List in HTML Mixing PlanoTseScript with HTML
Chapter 5

Ordered List in HTML

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In PlanoTse, the data is stored in a data holder, also known as data item. Each data holder has a data direction, which is a sequence of steps. This sequence is expressed as an ordered list. This page shows you how to express an ordered list using HTML.

How to Color in HTML

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Let's say that you want to display the content as shown in the following box, Your Paragraph:

Your Paragraph

This is your paragraph. You want to have a blue sentence. You also want to have a red sentence.

To express the above content in HTML, you would use the following source code, in the box, HTML for Your Paragraph:

HTML for Your Paragraph

This is your paragraph. <font color=blue>You want to have a blue sentence.</font> <font color=red>You also want to have a red sentence.</font>

How to Make an Ordered List in HTML

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You may also want to display your paragraph as an ordered list as shown in the following box, Your Ordered List:

Your Ordered List
  1. This is your paragraph.
  2. You want to have a blue sentence.
  3. You also want to have a red sentence.

To have such an ordered list, you need to use ordered-list tag (ol) as well as list-item tag (li) in HTML as shown in the following box, HTML for Your Ordered List:

HTML for Your Ordered List


<li>This is your paragraph.
<li><font color=blue>You want to have a blue sentence.</font>
<li><font color=red>You also want to have a red sentence.</font>


Demo Section

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The following steps show you how and where to place the HTML for your ordered list in a PlanoTse data holder:

  1. From the main menu select the command [File » New » Note] to create a new Note data item.
  2. Enter My First Note as the title of your Note.
  3. Press the Steps in your Note holder, see the image below.
  4. Place the HTML for your ordered list in the Steps window.
  5. Press the button [Save & Close].
  6. Press the Steps again and review your HTML source code.

This page is part of The Shortest Route, which is the shortest sequence of pages that would as quickly as possible bring you to the point where you can start using PlanoTse effectively for either job search automation or any other application in the mining of global data from the World Wide Web.

PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation
PlanoTseScript Springboards Ordered List in HTML Mixing PlanoTseScript with HTML