ROSE Compiler Framework/Inliner

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The ROSE Inliner inlines functions at function callsites.


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An inline function is one for which the compiler copies the code from the function definition directly into the code of the calling function rather than creating a separate set of instructions in memory. Instead of transferring control to and from the function code segment, a modified copy of the function body may be substituted directly for the function call. In this way, the performance overhead of a function call is avoided. The inline specifier is only a suggestion to the compiler that an inline expansion can be performed; the compiler is free to ignore the suggestion.

User Instructions

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You must enable EDG 5.0 to inline C++11 code

  • --enable-edg_version=5.0

install the tool

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configure and build ROSE as instructed at

inlineEverything -c [options] input.c


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This is a program transformation tool to inline function calls in your C/C++ or Fortran code.

Usage: inlineEverything -c [options] input.c

The optional options include:

  • -skip-postprocessing: Skip postprocessing which cleanups code
  • -process-headers: Process calls within header files
  • -verbose: Printout debugging information
  • -limit N: Inline up to N functions, then stop
  • -main-only: Inline only functions reachable from main()

Source code

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API and implementation:

// main API
bool doInline(SgFunctionCallExp*, bool)

The tool's source code


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216 // Main inliner code.  Accepts a function call as a parameter, and inlines
217 // only that single function call.  Returns true if it succeeded, and false
218 // otherwise.  The function call must be to a named function, static member
219 // function, or non-virtual non-static member function, and the function
220 // must be known (not through a function pointer or member function
221 // pointer).  Also, the body of the function must already be visible.
222 // Recursive procedures are handled properly (when allowRecursion is set), by
223 // inlining one copy of the procedure into itself.  Any other restrictions on
224 // what can be inlined are bugs in the inliner code.
225 bool
226 doInline(SgFunctionCallExp* funcall, bool allowRecursion)

Major steps

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  • eligibility check: skip things which cannot be inlined
  • if a function call is used as an expression operand: e.g. a = func1() + func2();
    • generate a temp variable to obtain the returned value: e.g. temp = func1();
    • replace the function call expression with the temp variable. e.g. a = temp + temp;
    • a slight optimization: if the function call is the only expression operand: e.g. a= func1(). No temp variable is needed (a can be directly used without another temp variable serving as intermediate variable.)
  • obtain the list of actual argument
  • make a copy of the body of the function to be inlined
  • rename labels in an inlined function definition. goto statements to them will be updated.
  • in the function body
    • create local variables , one per formal argument, initialize each with the actual argument
    • build a paramMap: mapping formal arguments (SgInitializedName) to new local variables (SgVariableSymbol)
    • this pointer is handled similarly: create a local variable , initialized with the caller's this pointer
    • replace variable references in the body with actual arguments // ReplaceParameterUseVisitor(paramMap).traverse(funbody_copy, postorder);
    • insert a label to indicate the end of the inlined function body // rose_inline_end__

Limitations of this algorithm is not very clean:

  • It generates new local variables and a label.

Eligibility check

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What can be inlined

  • a named function,
  • static member function, or
  • qualified name does not start with "::std:: " // skip std:: functions
  • non-virtual non-static member function, // skip virtual functions, static member functions cannot access this->data (non-static data). That is why we check non-static for this ptr case.
  • the function must be known (not through a function pointer or member function pointer). // empty function reference expression
  • the body of the function must already be visible in the current AST. // skip functions with empty body


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inlineEverything.C has a clean up step to make the outlined code better

  • cleanupInlinedCode(sageProject);
    • remove unused labels: SageInterface::removeUnusedLabels(top);
    • remove jumps to next statement: SageInterface::removeJumpsToNextStatement(top);
    • simpleCopyAndConstantPropagation() // In code with declarations such as "int foo = bar", where foo and bar are not modified, replace "foo" with "bar" and remove the declaration
    • remove null statements: RemoveNullStatementsVisitor().traverse(top, postorder);
    • move declaration to first use: MoveDeclarationsToFirstUseVisitor().traverse(top, postorder); e.g. int x__2 =7; w= x_2 +3; ==> w=7+3;
    • doSubexpressionExpansionSmart () // Replaces all uses of a variable by its initialing expression. Requires that initname has an assign initializer Replaces all uses of initname in initname's scope by copy of its initializer expression. Then removes initname.
  • changeAllMembersToPublic(sageProject);

This step does lots of things and can easily trigger some bugs.

  • Even wrose, the cleanup step operates on the entire AST, including C++ headers.

 // Post-inline AST normalizations

 // DQ (6/12/2015): These functions first renames all variable (a bit heavy handed for my tastes)
 // and then (second) removes the blocks that are otherwise added to support the inlining.  The removal
 // of the blocks is the motivation for renaming the variables, but the variable renaming is
 // done evarywhere instead of just where the functions are inlined.  I think the addition of
 // the blocks is a better solution than the overly agressive renaming of variables in the whole
 // program.  So the best solution is to comment out both of these functions.  All test codes
 // pass (including the token-based unparsing tests).
 // renameVariables(sageProject);
 // flattenBlocks(sageProject);


// In code with declarations such as "int foo = bar", where foo and bar are
// not modified, replace "foo" with "bar" and remove the declaration

void simpleCopyAndConstantPropagation(SgNode* top) {
  FindReferenceVariablesVisitor().traverse(top, preorder);
  FindCopiesVisitor().traverse(top, preorder);
  FindUsedDeclarationsVisitor vis;
  vis.traverse(top, preorder);
  RemoveUnusedDeclarationsVisitor(vis.used_decls, set<SgFunctionDeclaration*>()).traverse(top, postorder);


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Test directory with an example translator and test input files

By looking into, the example translator's source code will generate an executable named "inlineEverything" in your buildtree.

translator: inlineEverything

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This is the tool you can try to inline your sample code.

  • inlineEverything

The same's make check rules contain sample command lines to use the tool.

To test one individual input file (such as template_functions.C), type

  • make inlineEverything_template_functions.C.passed // TODO: udpate to new ways to trigger the tests

Command line options

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inlineEverything --help

---------------------Tool-Specific Help-----------------------------------
This is a program transformation tool to inline function calls in your C/C++ or Fortran code.
Usage: inlineEverything -c [options] input.c

The optional options include: 
 -skip-postprocessing: Skip postprocessing which cleanups code
 -process-headers:     Process calls within header files
 -verbose:            Printout debugging information


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bash-4.2$ cat specimen25_1.C
 template<typename T>
 void swap(T& x, T& y)
   T tmp = x;
   x = y;
   y = tmp;
int foo (int a, int b)
int main()
----- command line  -------------
bash-4.2$ inlineEverything -c specimen26_1.C
-----------output: with postprocessing (cleanup) --------------
bash-4.2$ cat rose_specimen25_1.C 
template < typename T >
 void swap ( T & x, T & y )
   T tmp = x;
   x = y;
   y = tmp;
int foo(int a,int b)
    int tmp = a;
    a = b;
    b = tmp;
int main()

// output without postprocessing: cleanup
template < typename T >
 void swap ( T & x, T & y )
   T tmp = x;
   x = y;
   y = tmp;

int foo(int a,int b)
    int &x__2 = a;
    int &y__3 = b;
    int tmp = x__2;
    x__2 = y__3;
    y__3 = tmp;

int main()

Correctness checking

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make check only check if the number of inlined functions is the same as expected.

# Note: must use the name convention of specimenXX_N.C , in which N is the number of function calls inlined.   
# The specimens are named so that the number between the "_" and next "." is the number of function calls that
# we expect this specimen to inline.
inlineEverything_specimens =                    \
        specimen01_1.C   ..

inlineEverything_test_targets = $(addprefix inlineEverything_, $(addsuffix .passed, $(inlineEverything_specimens)))
TEST_TARGETS += $(inlineEverything_test_targets)
$(inlineEverything_test_targets): inlineEverything_%.passed: % inlineEverything inlineEverything.conf
        @$(RTH_RUN)                                                                                             \
                TITLE="inlineEverything $< [$@]"                                                                \
                SPECIMEN="$(abspath $<)"                                                                        \
                NINLINE="$$(echo $(notdir $<) |sed --regexp-extended 's/specimen[0-9]+_([0-9]+).*/\1/')"        \
                TRANSLATOR="$$(pwd)/inlineEverything"                                                           \
                $(srcdir)/inlineEverything.conf $@

 cat inlineEverything.conf 
# Test configuration file (see "scripts/ --help" for details)
# Tests the inliner

# Run the tests in subdirectories for ease of cleanup.
subdir = yes

# Run the test and then make sure the output contains a certain string
cmd = ${VALGRIND} ${TRANSLATOR} -rose:verbose 0 ${SPECIMEN} -o a.out |tee ${TEMP_FILE_0}
cmd = grep "Test inlined ${NINLINE} function" ${TEMP_FILE_0}
cmd = cat -n rose_*
cmd = ./a.out

# Extra stuff that might be useful to specify in the makefile
title = ${TITLE}
disabled = ${DISABLED}
timeout = ${TIMEOUT}


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We use a set of increasingly more complex examples to explain the inlining algorithm used.

More example input and output files are available at:

naked call: no parameters in nor return output

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extern int x;

void incrementX()

int main()
     return x;

//----------output, without postprocessing --------

extern int x;

void incrementX()

int main()
   // the function body is copied here
    rose_inline_end__2:   // a label for the end of a function is generated. 
  return x;

//-----------output, with postprocessing for clean up
// unused label and empty statement are removed

extern int x;

void incrementX()

int main()
   // the function body is copied here
  return x;

function with a return

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// a function with a return
extern int x;

int incrementX()
  return x; 

int main()
  return x;

//---------- output without postprocessing

// a function with a return
extern int x;

int incrementX()
  return x;

int main()
    {                    // a return statement is translated into a block, go to the exit point in the end
      goto rose_inline_end__2;
    rose_inline_end__2:  // a label for the end of the function: the exit point
  return x;

//-------- with postprocessing, the code look the same 

// a function with a return
extern int x;

int incrementX()
  return x;

int main()
      goto rose_inline_end__2;
  return x;

function calls as two expressions

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// input code -----------------------
int foo(int i) {
  return 5+i;

int main(int, char**) {
  int w;
  w = foo(1)+ foo(2);
  return w;

//--------------after inlining-----------------
// You can see that a temparory variable is used to capture the returned value of a function call.
// Then the temp variable is used to replace the original function call expression
int foo(int i)
  return 5 + i;

int main(int ,char **)
  int w;
  int rose_temp__4;
    int i__2 = 1;
      rose_temp__4 = 5 + i__2;
      goto rose_inline_end__3;
  int rose_temp__8;
    int i__6 = 2;
      rose_temp__8 = 5 + i__6;
      goto rose_inline_end__7;
  w = rose_temp__4 + rose_temp__8;
  return w;

//----- postprocessing does not simplify the code any further
int foo(int i)
  return 5 + i;

int main(int ,char **)
  int rose_temp__4;
      rose_temp__4 = 5 + 1;
      goto rose_inline_end__3;
  int rose_temp__8;
      rose_temp__8 = 5 + 2;
      goto rose_inline_end__7;
  int w = rose_temp__4 + rose_temp__8;
  return w;

function call as a single expression

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An optimized transformation:

  • not blindly generate a temp variable to capture the value of a function call.
  • instead directly reuse the original declaration of the lhs variable inside the function body

int foo(int i) {
  return 5+i;

int main(int, char**) {
  int w;
  w = foo(1);
  return w;

//-------------after inlining ----------

int foo(int i)
  return 5 + i;

int main(int ,char **)
  int w;
    int i__2 = 1;
      w = 5 + i__2;
      goto rose_inline_end__3;
  return w;

//postprocessing does not simplify the code further.
int foo(int i)
  return 5 + i;

int main(int ,char **)
  int w;
      w = 5 + 1;
      goto rose_inline_end__3;
  return w;

3 operand operations

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the code is normalized.

#include <stdlib.h>

int foo() {
  exit (1);
  return 0;

int main(int, char**) {
  int w, x = 7;
  w = x == 8 ? foo() : 0;
  return w;

//----------- after inlining ---------------

#include <stdlib.h>

int foo()
  return 0;

int main(int ,char **)
  int w;
  int x = 7;
  if (x == 8) {
    int rose_temp__4;
        rose_temp__4 = 0;
        goto rose_inline_end__2;
    w = rose_temp__4;
  else {
    w = 0;
  return w;

data member access function

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#include <vector>
typedef int    Index_t ;

struct Domain
    // non-reference type
    Index_t  numNode()            { return m_numNode ; }

    void AllocateNodeElemIndexes()
      Index_t numNode = this->numNode() ;

#if 0  // the best inline result should look like the following
    void AllocateNodeElemIndexes_inlined()
      Index_t numNode = m_numNode; // call site 1 inlined

    Index_t   m_numNode ;
} domain;

//----------------------------after inlining ----------------

#include <vector>

typedef int Index_t;

struct Domain {

  // non-reference type
  inline Index_t numNode()
    return (this) -> m_numNode;

  inline void AllocateNodeElemIndexes()

//x. split declaration + initializer into two parts
// a temporary variable to transfer value of initializer

    Index_t rose_temp__3;

//x. a new code block to embed the function body
      struct Domain *this__1 = this__1;
        rose_temp__3 = this__1 -> m_numNode;

//x. goto the label after function call
        goto rose_inline_end__2;

//x. label after the function call

    Index_t numNode = rose_temp__3;

  Index_t m_numNode;

} domain;

C++ template functions

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bash-4.2$ cat specimen25_1.C
 template<typename T>
 void swap(T& x, T& y)
   T tmp = x;
   x = y;
   y = tmp;
int foo (int a, int b)
int main()
----- command line  -------------
bash-4.2$ inlineEverything -c -skip-postprocessing specimen26_1.C
-----------output: with postprocessing (cleanup) --------------
// output without postprocessing: cleanup
template < typename T >
 void swap ( T & x, T & y )
   T tmp = x;
   x = y;
   y = tmp;

int foo(int a,int b)
    int &x__2 = a;    // local variables for each formal arguments, initialized with actual arguments
    int &y__3 = b;

    int tmp = x__2;   // variable references are replace with the local variables
    x__2 = y__3;
    y__3 = tmp;
    rose_inline_end__4:   // a label to indicate the end of the outlined function body. 

int main()

multiple-level function calls

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int foo(int x) {
  return x + 3;

int bar(int y) {
  return foo(y) + foo(2);

int main(int, char**) {
  int w;
  w = bar(1);
  return 0;

//--------------- output, no postprocessing ------------

foo (int x)
  return x + 3;

bar (int y)
  int rose_temp__4;
    int x__2 = y;
      rose_temp__4 = x__2 + 3;
      goto rose_inline_end__3;
  int rose_temp__8;
    int x__6 = 2;
      rose_temp__8 = x__6 + 3;
      goto rose_inline_end__7;
  return rose_temp__4 + rose_temp__8;

main (int, char **)
  int w;
    int y__10 = 1;
    int rose_temp__4;
      int x__2 = y__10;
	rose_temp__4 = x__2 + 3;
	goto rose_inline_end__3__1;
    int rose_temp__8;
      int x__6 = 2;
	rose_temp__8 = x__6 + 3;
	goto rose_inline_end__7__2;
      w = rose_temp__4 + rose_temp__8;
      goto rose_inline_end__11;
  return 0;


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Official documentation about how to call the inlining API is:


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TEST inlineEverything ../../../../../../sourcetree/tests/nonsmoke/functional/roseTests/astInliningTests/template_functions.C [inlineEverything_template_functions.C.passed]

inlineEverything_template_functions.C [out]: Note: C++11 input files to ROSE are NOT supported using EDG 4.9 configuration with GNU compilers 4.9 and greater (configure ROSE using EDG 4.12)