Chemical Information Sources/SIRCh/Chemistry Blogs and Discussion Groups/Listserves, Discussion Lists, and Newsgroups for Chemistry

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Chemistry and Chemical Information E-Mail Lists

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Some of these lists may be inactive or have changed addresses. You may need to search for these on Google to confirm they are still active.
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ALCHEMY-LIST. To subscribe, send the message SUB ALCHEMY-LIST firstname lastname to: LISTSERV@SERVICES.WEB.AOL.COM

AMBER is a mail reflector for the molecular mechanics program of the same name. To subscribe, send a request to: or amber-request@ucsfcgl.bitnet. Messages are sent to or amber@ucsfcgl.bitnet.

ANALYSIS-L is for discussion of all aspects of analytical science, including techniques, methodologies, etc. To subscribe, send the message: SUBSCRIBE Analysis-L to:

ANCHODD, Medicinal Chemistry/Pharmacy List. Send the message: SUBSCRIBE ANCHODD FIRSTNAME LASTNAME to:

APCHEM, Astrophysical Chemistry, is sponsored by the Astrophysical Chemistry Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry to make chemists and astronomers aware of the potential contributions of each group in collaborative projects between astronomy and chemistry. Send a subscription request to: Archives are maintained at:

ASCHIN-LIST, Asia Pacific Chemical Information List. Send the message subscribe aschin-list firstname lastname to:

BIOTECH, Biotechnology Discussion List Send the message: SUB BIOTECH Firstname Lastname to: LISTSERV@UMDD.BITNET

C2L, Cerius2 Users Discussion List The list is intended to support informal discussion of Molecular Simulations Inc.'s Cerius2. To subscribe, send a request to Distribution address is

CancerNet, National Cancer Institute's Mail Server, is available on the NIH gopher server: Select #3 Health and Clinical Information and #1 CancerNet infor- mation. Send the message: HELP to:

CATALYST-L, a forum for users of MSI's Catalyst. Send the message subscribe catalyst-l firstname lastname to:

CCOHS-NEWS (Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety) Announcements from CCOHS. Send e-mail to MAJORDOMO@CCOHS.CA with the message: SUBSCRIBE CCOHS-NEWS

CCOHS-USERS (Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety) This one is for sharing experiences with CCOHS products. Send e-mail to MAJORDOMO@CCOHS.CA with the message: SUBSCRIBE CCOHS-USERS

CCL, Computational Chemistry List. Send the message: send help from chemistry to: OSCPOST@ohstpy or Alternatively, try sending the message: subscribe ccl to:

CHARMM Users Group. Send a request to join to:

CHEMCOM, Chemistry in the Community Discussion List. Send the message: subscribe chemcom firstname lastname to: LISTSERV@LISTSERV.ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU

CHEM-COMP, Computational Chemistry. Send the message: join chem-comp firstname lastname to:

CHEMCORD, the General Chemistry Coordinators' Discussion Group. Send the message: subscribe chemcord firstname lastname to: listserv@umdd.bitnet OR

CHEME-L, the Chemical Engineering List. Send the message: subscribe cheme-l firstname lastname to:

CHEMECOL, Chemical Ecology List To subscribe, send the message: SUB CHEMECOL firstname lastname to: LISTSERV@IQM.UNICAMP.BR

CHEMED-L, Chemistry Education Discussion List. Send the message: subscribe chemed-l firstname lastname to:

CHEM-EDUCATION, a list for UK academics involved in teaching chemistry, particularly at the higher education level. To join, send the message: join chem-education firstname lastname to:

CHEMFAN, Popular Chemistry List. The English-language ChemFan web page is found at: It is possible to subscribe through the subscribtion page (recommended method): or by sending an email with the message: subscribe to: The Polish-language ChemFan web page address is In order to subscribe to that list one has to follow the instructions on the chemfan subpage, which is available from the main chemfan page. See: Alternatively, send an email with the message: subscribe to:

CHEM-HIST, Electronic Mailing List and News Bulletin for Historians of Chemistry and of Chemical Industry. To join, send the message SUBSCRIBE CHEM-HIST to :MAISER@LISTSERV.NGATE.UNI-REGENSBURG.DE

CHEMIND-L, the Chemical Structure Indexing Discussion List, serves as a forum for discussion of questions relating to indexing and searching chemical structure information. The full range of indexing techniques, from textual codes to graphical structures, is covered, and there is no restriction on the types of structures. To subscribe, send the message: SUBSCRIBE CHEMIND-L to: MAJORDOMO@DERWENT.TECC.CO.UK

CHEMLAB-L is for people interested in chemistry laboratories (both academic and research), students' experiments (high school, college, and university), class room demonstrations, and shows for the public of chemical processes, chemistry stockroom management, lab safety, and small-scale chemical waste-handling procedures. To subscribe, send the message: SUB CHEMLAB-L firstname lastname to:


CHEM-MOD, Modeling Aspects of Computational Chemistry. Send the message: join chem-mod firstname lastname to:

CHEMTECH, Chemical Technology List. Send the message: subscribe chemtech firstname lastname to: LISTSERV@MIAMIU.ACS.MUOHIO.EDU

CHEMWEB, A list for Chemical Applications of the Internet. Archived as: To subscribe, send the message subscribe chemweb yourfirstname yourlastname to:

CHIRALCHROM, Chiral analysis, preparation, and discrimination of enantiomers. To subscribe, send the message: SUB CHIRALCHROM firstname lastname to:

CHMINF-L, the Chemical Information Sources Discussion List. CHMINF-L covers all information sources that can be used to answer questions a chemist might have. It is sponsored by the chemical information sections of the American Chemical Society, the Special Libraries Association, the Royal Society of Chemistry, and the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Send the message: Subject: SUBscribe CHMINF-L firstname lastname to: An archive of past mailings is maintained at , and subscribers can also use that site to join the list and manage their subscription options.

CHROM-L, a discussion forum for chromatographers. To subscribe, send the one-line message: SUB CHROM-L firstname lastname to:

CMTS-L, the Chemical Management and Tracking Systems List, serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas on the estab- lishment of computerized systems to manage chemical inventories. Send the message: subscribe CMTS-L firstname lastname to:

CORROS-L, The Corrosion Special Interest List. Send the message: subscribe corros-l firstname lastname to:

CZE-ITP, covers Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) and Isota- chophoresis (ITP). Send the message: subscribe cze-itp firstname lastname to: LISTSERV@CSBRMU11.BITNET or: LISTSERV@VM.ICS.MUNI.CZ

DIBUG, Discover, Insight, Biosym Users' Group Send a request to join to:

ELETQM-L, Electrochemistry Newsgroup, covers synthesis, chemical processes, battery and energy storage, corrosion, biological processes, synthesis of inorganic and organic compounds, and other aspects of electrochemistry. To subscribe, send the message: SUB ELETQM-L firstname lastname to: LISTSERV@BRUFU.BITNET.

FORENS-L, Forensic Sciences Discussion Group. Send the message: SUB FORENS-L firstname lastname to: MAILSERVER@ACC.FAU.EDU.

GT-ATMDC, Atmospheric Dispersion of Chemicals. Send the message: sub gt-atmdc firstname lastname to: LISTSERV@NIC.SURFNET.NL

High School Chemistry Teacher Support Group. Use the "Join Us" option at:

HIRIS-L, High Resolution IR Spectroscopy List. Send the message SUB HIRIS-L firstname lastname to: listserv@iveuncc.

HyperChem Users' E-Mail Group. Send a request to:

ICS-L, International Chemometrics Society. Send the message: subscribe ICS-L firstname lastname to: listserv@umdd.bitnet OR

IFPHEN-L, the Interfacial Phenomena Discussion Group. Send the message: subscribe ifphen-l firstname lastname to: listserv@wsuvm1 or

Info-LabVIEW discussion list is an e-mail list focused on the application of National Instruments LabVIEW data acquisition and analysis products. To subscribe, send a request to: National Instruments has a support site for the LabVIEW and LabWindows data col- lection and analysis products. URL: User-contributed, LabVIEW-related software and digests for the Info-LabVIEW mail server are archived at the Info-LabVIEW site: URL:

Interface-L exists to encourage and facilitate the spread of information about the connection and control af any laboratory equipment by computer. To subscribe, send the message: subscribe interface-l to:

IPMDG-L, the Protein Modelling Discussion Group. To subscribe, send a message with the word subscribe in the subject line to: To post to the list, send to:

ISISFORUM-L is a users forum for sharing information and experiences among users of MDL's ISIS software. To subscribe, send a message to: with the message: subscribe isisforum-l firstname lastname

ISMM (International Symposium [or Society] on Metallomesogens) deals with metal-containing liquid crystals, metallomesogens. To join the majordomo list, send an e-mail to: Leave the Subject line blank and in the body of the message, put: subscribe ismm your_e-mail_address

ISOM (International Symposium on Olefin Metathesis) List distributes mailings to members of the forum via To join the mailing list, send your name and address to

JANAF-THERMO. JANAF Thermochemical Tables Discussion List invites questions and comments on NIST's current activity, calculation methods, publications, and problems in producing JANAF. To subscribe, send the e-mail message subscribe to:

LABSAFETY-L is a forum for the discussion of lab safety, CHO/CHP, and organizational issues. To become a member or affiliate member, subscribe to LABSAFETY-L by sending a message to LISTSERV@SIU.EDU. In the body of the message say... SUBSCRIBE LABSAFETY-L Your Name

LiquidCrystal --Forum for discussion of, as well as an information source for, chemistry, physics, biology, and application of liquid crystals. Postings to the LiquidCrystal mailing list may include all topics to the science of liquid crystals. Job advertisements are welcome, but NOT job seeking messages. All messages are suitable as topics for distribution to the LiquidCrystal mailing list as long as they have some link to liquid crystals. No advertisement of commercial products is allowed without the consent of the list owner. To subscribe, go to the site at: and click the "REGISTER" link (upper right side)

MATLS-L, Materials Synthesis Send the message: SUB MATLS-L Firstname Lastname to: LISTSERV@PSUVM.BITNET or LISTSERV@PSUVM.PSU.EDU

MICROSCALE-L. To subscribe, send the message: SUB MICROSCALE-L firstname last- name to: LISTSERV@MERRIMACK.EDU

MEDDCHEM, Macromolecular Engineering, Drug Design, and Chemistry Send the message: SUB MEDDCHEM Firstname Lastname to: LISTSERV@WAYNEST1.BITNET or LISTSERV@CMS.CC.WAYNE.EDU

MMODINFO, MacroModel Users Group. Send the message SUBSCRIBE MMODINFO to: Archives of the MMODINFO list are available via anonymous ftp at: ( [.MMOD] for mail; [.CHEMISTRY] for others. (NB: This is a VAX VMS machine.)

MOL-DIVERSITY, Molecular Diversity for Basic Research and Drug Discovery Forum To subscribe, send the message: SUBSCRIBE MOL-DIVERSITY firstname lastname to: LISTSERV@LISTSERV.ARIZONA.EDU

MOLECULAR-DYNAMICS-NEWS. To subscribe, send the command: join Molecular-dynamics-news to:

MoleCVUE, Molecular Computation and Visualization in Undergraduate Education. Send a request to join to:

MOPAC 93 Network Forum. MOPAC 93 is distributed through QCPE. Fujitsu has set up a MOPAC 93 Network Forum to provide a communications link with those who have access to Internet. This service is not free. Contact Ms. Miyoko Murakami (

MOSSBA, Mossbauer Spectroscopy, Software & Forum. Send the message: subscribe mossba firstname lastname to: listserv@usachvm1

NAPRONET is set up to discuss chemistry and biological activity of natural products. To subscribe, send the message: SUBSCRIBE NAPRONET Firstname Lastname to: LISTSERV@TRBILUN or LISTPROC@BILKENT.EDU.TR

netCDF Group is for discussions of this standard for visualization of Mass Spectromety data files. To subscribe, send the message: subscribe netcdfgroup firstname lastname to:

ORGANOMET. To join, send a request to:

ORGCHEM, Organic Chemistry Discussion Group BBS. For the latest information on this list, contact Curt Breneman: Send a subscription request to: The BBS address is: All of orgchem's mail messages are archived and can be retrieved by anonymous ftp from

ORG-GEOCHEM. Send the message: join org-geochem firstname lastname to:

ORGLIST. Send the message SUBSCRIBE ORGLIST firstname lastname to:

PIUG-L, PIUG/PATMG Patent Information Discussion List. To subscribe send the message SUBSCRIBE PIUG-L to:

PCHEM-L is a listserve for those who are interested in current topics concerning physical chemistry and methods of teaching physical chemistry. To subscribe, send the message subscribe pchem-l to:

PHILCHEM, Philosophy of Chemistry. To subscribe, send a message from your usual email address to with a one-line command subscribe PHILCHEM YOURFIRSTNAME YOURLASTNAME

PhoCET-L, Photoinduced Charge and Energy Transfer, covers meetings, conferences, lectures, courses, books, articles, and internet sources on the topic. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to and put the following in the body of the message: subscribe phocet-l

PHTHALO, Phthalocyanines, Dyes & Pigments mailing list, serves as a forum for discussion of, as well as an information source for, chemistry, physics, biology, and application of phthalocyanines, porphyrins, dyes or pigments. To join the PHTHALO list, send the following e-mail message to:

Subject: (Do not write here.) Body of the message: Put nothing here

or you can go the following web-site:

Phytopharmacognosy, Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy Discussion Group. To join, send the message: join phytopharmacognosy firstname lastname to: PIUG-L, Patent Information Users Group. To subscribe, send the message: SUBSCRIBE PIUG-L to: MAJORDOMO@DERWENT.TECC.CO.UK

PLASMACHEM-L, Analytical Chemistry using ICP's, DCP's, MIP's. Send the message: subscribe plasmachem-l firstname lastname to: LISTSERV@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU

PMD, Parallel Molecular Dynamics Program To subscribe, send a message to:

POLYED-L. To subscribe, send the message: SUB POLYED-L firstname lastname to: LISTSERV@UXA.ECN.BGU.EDU

POLYMER. To subscribe, send the message: SUB POLYMER firstname lastname to: LISTSERV@TECHNION or LISTSERV@TECHNION.TECHNION.AC.IL

POLYMERP, the Polymer Physics Discussion List. Send the message: subscribe polymerp firstname lastname to:

POSTDOC INTERNATIONAL. To get information on available postdoc positions or to advertise positions, send the message: GET INDEX to: POST@DOCSERV.SACLAY.CEA.FR

Process-L.To discuss the problems associated with the sampling and subse- quent analysis of any chemical process, with special reference to industrial scale processing. To subscribe, send the message: subscribe process-l to:

RADCH-L, Radiochemistry Discussion List, is devoted to research in radiochemistry, nucle- ar chemistry, and nuclear analytical sciences. Send the message: sub RADCH-L firstname lastname to: LISTSERV@FRCPN11.BITNET

REACTIVE is for discussion and exchange of information about air sampling and monitoring of short-lived reactive pollutants. Send the message: subscribe reactive firstname lastname to: LISTSERV@MCGILL1.BITNET

SAFETY, The Laboratory Safety List. Send the message: subscribe safety firstname lastname to: listserv@uvmvm OR

SCaRiC, Structural Classification and Representation in Chemistry How to subscribe: send mail to: with the following message: SUBSCRIBE SCARIC FirstName LastName The following web page will maintain the most interesting discussions by topic:

SCODAE, a communications network for pharmacy schools. Send the message: subscribe scodae firstname lastname to: listserv@umab.

SHARE-L, Spectroscopic Happenings on Actinides and Rare Earths List. Send the message: subscribe share-l firstname lastname to: or listserv@frmop11.bitnet.

STANDARDIZATION OF COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY SOFTWARE. This discussion list is an extension of a discussion session started at the 35th Sanibel Symposium held in St. Augustine, Florida in 1995. It tries to define the need for standards in software design to allow software sharing to become more effective and subsequently draft a detailed standard specification. To subscribe send e-mail to

STR-NMR, Structural NMR This is a gateway to bionet.structural-nmr. To subscribe, send the message: subscribe firstname lastname str-nmr to:

SUP-COND. Send the message: SUB SUP-COND firstname lastname to: LISTSERV@TAUNIVM or LISTSERV@TAUNIVM.TAU.AC.IL

Sybyl Users Group. Send a request to join to:

TOXLIST. Toxlist is an electronic mailing list created for the purpose of generating discussions and disseminating information in the discipline of toxicology. Discussions related to the fields of drug, pesticide, or hazardous waste toxicology, risk assessment and management, analytical toxicology and other areas related to the study of the effects of toxins on man or the environment are welcome. Send the message: SUB TOXLIST firstname lastname to: LISTSERV@CORNELL.EDU

UCAIR-lib, Undergraduate Cooperative Access to Information Re- sources, is a forum for discussion of the use of chemical information by students and faculty at the undergraduate level. To join, send the request to: with the message: SUBSCRIBE firstname lastname Archives are available at: URL: gopher:// lists%5d

Water Science Network (WSN): Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Water and Aqueous Systems. Send the message: subscribe water firstname lastname to:

WATOC, World Association of Theoretical Organic Chemists This is a mail exploder which can be joined by sending the mes- sage: subscribe watoc firstname lastname to: There is also an associated World-Wide Web server, which can be accessed as:

XPLOR-L, Discussions of Xplor Users. Molecular Simulations Inc.'s X-PLOR is the topic of the list. To subscribe, send a request to: