Structural Biochemistry/Xenohormones

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Xenohormones are pollutants originating outside the body that have hormone-like and estrogen-like characteristics. Exposure to these substances can have a severe and chronic impacts on the body's natural hormonal balance.

Xenohormone exposure is especially high in today's industrialized countries and results from consumption lots of meats and dairy products full of synthetic hormones, genetically modified fruits and vegetables, crops grown with chemicals (grown with pesticides and herbicides) petrochemical compounds (perfume, hair spray, room deodorizers, cooking with plastic, etc…) and prescription synthetic estrogens and progestins (such as the pill and estrogen replacement therapy).

side effects

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  • reproductive abnormalities
  • cancers of the reproductive tract
  • infertility
  • low sperm counts
  • weakening of immune system
  • fatigue
  • headache
  • depression
  • lack of concentration
  • mood swings
  • hormonal imbalance

The potential consequences of these exposures are overwhelming, especially since we are passing these reproductive abnormalities on to our children. Limiting your exposure to these pollutants as much as possible and supplementing with Natural Progesterone Cream will substantially improve the quality of your health.

Common Xenohormones in the Environment

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These are found in most plastics, inks, adhesives, vinyl flooring and paints. The type of plastics that contain the highest amount of phthalates are plastic wraps. Effects of phthalates were tested on rats and results include a multitude of abnormalities such as a reduction of testosterone levels, testicular tumors, and irregularities in the male reproductive tract. It should also be noted that women who are exposed to high levels of phthalates increase their risk of a miscarriage

Alkylphenols & Nonylphenols

These are found in detergents, shampoos, cosmetics, spermicidal lubricants, pesticides, and clear plastics. They are also found in much of the United States' tap water as much of the above mentioned products are not broken down, but instead washed into the sewage. Exposure of this substance to pregnant rats have resulted in male offspring with misdeveloped reproductive organs.

Bisphenol A (BPA)

These are found in hard plastics usually in the forms of dental sealants or containers for food and drinks. The effects of exposure to BPA involve potent estrogenic effects on the prostate.


[edit | edit source] Hopkins, Virginia, and John R. Lee. "Xenohormones (Part II) in Your Environment." Virginia Hopkins Test Kits: Excellence in Hormone Testing and Consumer Awareness. Virginia Hopkins Test Kits, 2012. Web. 20 Nov. 2012. <>.